American International Group

Commercial Real Estate Chart Book: Weathering the Storm - April

S&P Global Market Intelligence
Dear Wells,

Exposure to certain types of commercial real estate properties remains a key overhang for US financial institutions amid ongoing but still relatively incremental deterioration in various measures of asset quality.

S&P Global Market Intelligence's April 2024 Commercial Real Estate Chart Book: Weathering the Storm brings together a wide range of resources updated to include acquisition and asset quality data through the third quarter and market valuations through November. The chart book highlights bank regulatory data, loan-level and aggregate US life insurance company disclosures, information on individual commercial properties and key metrics of portfolio performance and valuation for real estate investment trusts, to provide additional context on the breadth and scope of commercial real estate exposure across financial institutions sectors.
See our latest infographic to further explore the articles within our US Commercial Real Estate Chart Book
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Commercial Prospecting

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Unlocking CRE Insights

View the webinar replay as S&P Global Market Intelligence research analysts dove into the utilization of bank regulatory, insurance statutory, and REIT company and property data to surface key insights for commercial real estate. The webinar concluded with an overview of how customers can leverage various SPGMI data solutions to help them better understand the commercial real estate market at the industry, company, and property/instrument level.
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