American International Group

Introducing Compact Chart: An Efficient, Low-Footprint Charting Solution

S&P Global Market Intelligence
Introducing Compact Chart by ChartIQ, S&P Global Market Intelligence
Navigating the complexities of financial charting often requires users to maneuver through intricate features and tools on various applications and devices. That's why we're thrilled to introduce Compact Chart by ChartIQ, a streamlined approach to charting for clients seeking lightweight, low-footprint solutions for applications. Designed to optimize screen real estate, Compact Chart is perfect for mobile interfaces, dashboards, and portals where space is limited. Compact Chart offers users a streamlined approach that optimizes screen real estate while preserving essential functionality.
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Key Features:
  • Seamless user experience: Leverage zooming and panning capabilities.
  • Innovative Spyglass Tool: Gain detailed insights into selected data points with our revolutionary Spyglass tool.
  • Versatile Chart Types: Choose from various chart types such as Line, Mountain, Candles, and Bars to suit your preferences.
  • Comprehensive Studies: Incorporate popular technical analysis studies like Moving Averages, MACD, and RSI for informed decision-making.
  • Accessible Themes: Customize your experience with Day and Night themes, including accessibility options for users with color blindness.
  • Regional features: Leverage time zone and language selection.
Learn more about Compact Chart
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