American International Group

Master Earnings Season with AI Powered Workflows

S&P Global Market Intelligence
Navigating earnings season can be challenging, with a multitude of companies releasing financial updates in quick succession over a few weeks. Here are a few ways you can capture essential insights using our AI powered tools on the S&P Capital IQ Pro platform: 

  1. Dashboard: Monitor intraday price movements, stream the latest news and documents, view upcoming earnings call events, and more for the companies you cover in the Dashboard.
  2. Alerts: Always be in the know for the latest details on holdings in your portfolio with alerts pushed to your email or notifications directly on the platform.
  3. Events Calendar: Our newly designed Events Calendar allows you to seamlessly sync events into your work or personal calendars.
  4. Document Viewer: Get access to the full earnings call transcript in Doc Viewer and dive deeper into key topics of interest to perform AI-driven document analysis.
  5. Transcript Summaries: Transcript summaries powered by AI technology provide high level insights categorized by either topics or sentiment.
  6. Broker Research: Follow up the earnings call by accessing broker reports to see what changes analysts are making to their numbers.
  7. Estimates: For a broader broker view, track consensus level details such as surprise and revisions for both financial and industry specific metrics.

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