
Does Your Packaging Represent Your Brand's Identity?

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With only a few seconds to make an impact, does your brand packaging convey quality or raise concerns?
April 23, 2024
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Packaging Color: The Key to Brand Recognition

Research from Loyola University shows that maintaining consistent branding color on packaging can increase brand recognition by up to 80%. While achieving accurate color on white labels is feasible, matching it across other packaging types like pouches, overwraps, and shelf trays can be more challenging.

However, to build brand recognition, color must be consistent everywhere it appears.

If your packaging doesn't look right, shoppers may question the quality of the product and reach for a different brand. You may not even know you have a problem until sales decline and consumers have lost trust in your brand.

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X-Rite Pantone consults with the world's leading brands to help them get packaging color right on shelf.

We can help you, too.

Click below to read customer testimonials, download helpful resources, and speak with us about your brand color.

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Wondering Why Your Color Doesn't Match?

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Free for NOSH Readers!

Not getting the color you want? It’s possible your brand color can't be reproduced on the packaging material you selected. Send us your brand color and we will show you how it will look on different types of packaging, before you go to print. No obligation!

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