
EMC+SIPI 2024: Announcing the Best Paper CANDIDATES!

We are pleased to announce the


featured in the EMC+SIPI 2024 Technical Program:



Imitation Learning-Based Fast Optimization of SSD Interface for PCIe 6.0 considering Signal Integrity

Seonguk Choi1, Jihun Kim1, Taein Shin1, Jungmin Ahn1, Keunwoo Kim1, Keeyoung Son1, Joonsang Park1, Jinwook Song2, Kyungsuk Kim2, Sunghoon Chun2, Joungho Kim1

1Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea; 2Samsung Electronics, Korea

Operation of the Bifilar Common-Mode Voltage Suppressor

James McLean

TDK Corp., USA

Design of Experiment Analysis on Multiple PIM Sources in an RF Antenna System

Shengxuan Xia1, Yuchu He2, Haicheng Zhou2, Hanfeng Wang2, Chulsoon Hwang1

1Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA; 2Google Inc., USA

Statistics of Electromagnetic Fields within Wire-Coupled, Nested Reverberant Enclosures

Marshall D. Sowell, Kyle A. Shea, Carl E. Hager IV

Naval Surface Warfare Center, USA

On the Feasibility of a Direct Injection Probe with a Capacitively Coupled Return and Integrated Voltage Monitor

Aaron Harmon, Daniel Szanto, Victor Khilkevich, Daryl Beetner

Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA

Switching Transient Immunity Analysis of Wireless Communication Unit in Smart Substation

Weidong Zhang

North China Electric Power University, China

Radiated Emission Modeling of a Wireless Power Transfer System

Hanyu Zhang1, Guanghua Li2, Viswa Pilla2, Chulsoon Hwang1

1Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA; 2Apple Inc., USA

A Model for Corona Streamer Propagation on Glass during an Air Discharge

Zhekun Peng1, Jianchi Zhou2, Darryl Kostka2, David Pommerenke3, Daryl Beetner1

1Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA; 2Apple Inc., USA; 3Technische Universitat Graz, Austria

Full Modal-Admittance Matrix In-Circuit Measurement by Multiple Inductive Probes

Simone Negri, Giordano Spadacini, Flavia Grassi, Sergio A. Pignari

Politecnico di Milano, Italy

A Fast Metalearning Algorithm for Neural Network Enabled Uncertainty Quantification of Graphene based Interconnects with Passive Shielding

Asha Kumari Jakhar, Dyuti Basu, Km Dimple, Surila Guglani, Avirup Dasgupta, Sourajeet Roy

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India

Estimating Effects of Residual Physics with Machine Learning for Earbud Performance Prediction

Srinivasa Mohan1, Jingchen Liang1, Mingfeng Xue2, Krishna Mellachervu1, Pavani Gottipati1, Jianmin Zhang2

1Ansys, Inc., USA; 2Google Inc., USA

Analytical Solution of the Lightning Transmission Line (TL) Model, at the Speed of Light

Nathan S. Roberts

NASA Johnson Space Center, USA

Fusion of Parameterized and Physics-Oriented Statistical Surrogate Models for EM Coupling on Wires in Complex Electronic Enclosures

Shen Lin1, Sangrui Luo1, Yang Shao1, Zhen Peng1, Bisrat D. Addissie2, Zachary B. Drikas2

1University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; 2U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, USA


Reducing EMI in Wire-Bond BGA IC-Chips through Magnetic Dipole Moment Control

Satoshi Tago, Keita Sasaki, Yasuhiro Ochiai

Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation, Japan

Novel Interdigital Capacitor-Type Power Distribution Network Design for Power Noise Suppression in Redistribution Layer Interposer

Haojie Wu1, Xinglin Sun2, Keeyoung Son2, Jonghyun Hong2, Yin Sun3, Joungho Kim2

1Zhejiang University, China; 2Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea; 3Ningbo Detool Technology Co. Ltd, China

 Behavior Model of a Multiphase Voltage Regulator Module with Rapid Voltage Drop Protection

Junho Joo1, Hanyu Zhang1, Hanfeng Wang2, Wei Shen2, Zhigang Liang2, Lihui Cao2, Seungtaek Jeong2, Chulsoon Hwang1

1Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA; 2Google Inc., USA

Reinforcement Learning-Based Power/Ground Ball Map Design Optimization for Multi-Power Domain in 3D-ICs Package

Seunghun Ryu, Dongryul Park, Hyunwoong Kim, Seonghi Lee, Sanguk Lee, Seungyoung Ahn

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea

DB-KBNN based Approach for PSIJ Analysis with a Comparative Study of Energy Models

Ahsan Javaid1, Ramachandra Achar1, Jai Narayan Tripathi2

1Carleton University, Canada; 2Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, India


Updates Include:

  • Boeing Technical Tour
  • ANSI C63.4 and C63.25 Workshop
  • Welcome Reception and Evening Gala Details
  • New Exhibitors!

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