Financial Planning

Are you uber-diversified?

Are you uber-diversified?
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Financial Planning
Financial Planning
Wealthtech Weekly
August 1, 2024
Rachel WitkowskiBy Rachel Witkowski Tech reporter

Emerging technology, like AI, is reshaping the traditional makeup of investment portfolios. And it's timely considering the general market push for more diversification, like alternative and private market investments.

New technology has made it easier to access different investments, and portfolios are becoming almost uber-diversified — thanks to tools like an RIA-friendly private market platform, Opto Investments, and a new digital platform for retail investors to buy music rights, called JKBX.

Read about some of the newest alternative investment options here, along with much more at Financial Planning

Drop me a line at [email protected].

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Alts for all? Behind the launch of a retail-aimed platform for music royalties
Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour - Santa Clara, CA
New alternative investment platform JKBX has attracted thousands of retail investors purchasing the streaming rights to hit songs from Beyoncé, Taylor Swift and more — here's what it might mean for the alts space.
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