Greco Gum

Why We Exist

Hey ,
Logan here, founder of Greco Gum.
A few years ago I was fed up.
I loved the experience of supporting online brands, but finding consistent, high-quality mastic without excessive shipping times or delivery fees seemed hopeless.
It felt like international sellers just wanted to cash in on an attractive product, without concern for the customer or care for the gum's legacy.
Beyond that, I wanted to contribute to the preservation of pure, natural goods in a commercialized world.
I believe natural products outclass artificial alternatives in every category.
When they're done right.
In that sense, building Greco has not been easy.
I scoured all over Chios to find the best mastic possible. 

Then I had to build a backend operation that could minimize delivery times, and t
he process has been painstaking.
But it has been worth it.
I know how important quality is when you're invested in true health. My goal is for you to be able to intuitively sense our commitment to excellence through everything we do and say.
I hope our mastic can be a helpful tool for your well-being, and a comforting companion in your pocket.

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