American International Group

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S&P Global Market Intelligence
Whether you’re looking to generate alpha, manage supply chain risk or meet regulatory requirements, our ecosystem of differentiated data, powerful AI solutions and dynamic visual analytics helps solve your everyday business challenges and empowers you to discover actionable insights faster.

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Data-Driven Insights
Our legacy is built on a foundation of accurate and differentiated data, delivered seamlessly. Accelerate your decision-making with timely data that delivers deep industry, fundamental and alternative insights.

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AI-Powered Solutions
Solve your high-value, domain-specific challenges using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Spend less time managing data and more time delivering critical insights.

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Visualization & Analytics
Potential is a matter of perspective. Perform data analysis or build models leveraging our analytical tools and apply our robust data visualizations to turn raw data into compelling visual narratives.

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[Webinar] AI in Action: Applications of ChatGPT for Textual Feature Extraction

Large Language Models (LLMs) open new doors for extracting features from textual data. Join our webinar that will help you build an understanding of how LLMs can process textual data to harvest alpha. We'll discuss strategies for harnessing data effectively, featuring insights from industry leaders and practical use cases.
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