Chicken Soup

Heavy Lifting

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Daily Inspiration

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Today’s Free Story

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Heavy Lifting
From Chicken Soup for the Soul: Angels and the Miraculous
By Jetta B. Allen

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
~Matthew 11:28 (NIV)

I couldn’t know that night what was in store for our family. I only knew my stress level was too high. The client crises in my social-work job always multiplied during the holidays. This year, the pressure of managing them seemed far too heavy. As I drove through the darkness, my husband Jim’s desire for a career change came to mind. While we juggled day-to-day responsibilities, he quietly watched for a new opportunity. Somehow in the midst of all our issues, I needed to shelve my worry and focus on our December events.

I peered between the windshield wipers’ fast strokes and groaned. The parking lot was full. A block-long overflow of cars had pulled onto the campus lawn. Everyone in our small Arkansas town must have turned out for the Christmas program. (Keep reading)

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It’s All About Pets… on Chicken Soup for the Soul TV

Available titles include: 'A Street Cat Named Bob', 'Angel Dog', 'Animal Tales'

Looking to beat the winter blues? How about some heartwarming pet stories on Chicken Soup for the Soul TV. Tail-wagging tales and purr-fect moments await on the free streaming service. On demand and ready to watch right now!


Pets & More

dog wearing recovery cone collar

Don’t forget… February is National Spay/Neuter Month! For more information check out the Chicken Soup for the Soul Pet Food blog. There’s no better way to show your pets love than by having them spayed and neutered. Make your appointment now.


What’s Happening

Chicken Soup for the Soul The Magic of Cats Coloring Book — Grab your colored pencils!

cover of Chicken Soup for the Soul The Magic of Cats Coloring Book: cat sitting on all four legs, surrounded by plant and flower patterns

The purr-fect combination for cat lovers of all ages — entertaining stories and the perfect artwork to color!

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Me and My Dog — Let me tell you about my best friend!

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Me and My Dog cover image

101 stories about the magical experience of sharing life with a dog!

lamb and baby chick characters both putting on boots

Don’t miss the new Chicken Soup for the Soul Babies book, Keep Trying (Don’t Give Up!), on sale now! This lighthearted board book playfully addresses the importance of perseverance for your little one. Check out all the Chicken Soup for the Soul Babies books here!