Chicken Soup

Princess's Posse

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Positively Pets

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Positively Pets

Changing Your World One Story at a Time®

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Today’s Free Story

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Princess’s Posse
From Chicken Soup for the Soul: Me and My Dog
By Peggy Omarzu

An effort made for the happiness of others lifts us above ourselves.
~Lydia M. Child

I went to veterinary school later in life. Due to the fact that I had to hold a job during the day, when it came time to log numerous hours in an internship, my choices were limited. Finally, at the last possible moment, I was taken on at an urgent care/emergency veterinary hospital located deep within the inner city. The facility was open 24 hours, 7 days a week. Nights were long and heart wrenching. Most of our clients did not have the means to pay for the care their pets required. They often came to us far too late, when nothing could be done to save their pets. Clients would spread out meager sums on the counter and beg for whatever services that precious amount would buy. Most nights I dragged myself home at 3 a.m., exhausted and heartsick.

One night started about the same as the others but soon became very special. An elderly woman arrived carrying her small Poodle wrapped in a bloody blanket. She said they had been out for their evening walk when a large dog had attacked her Princess. A man came and pulled the large dog away. She had grabbed Princess and come straight to us. (Keep reading)

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Pets & More

cat sleeping on floor next to alarm clock

Get ready to Spring Ahead! Daylights Savings Time kicks off on Sunday, March 10. Although cats typically aren’t too fazed by the time change, it’s worth noting that some may be more sensitive to the disruptions in their routine. You may want to slowly adjust feeding times to help ease the transition. Brought to you by Chicken Soup for the Soul Pet Food.


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