
RE: Employee Health Care Conference New York 2024

Hi - How are you?


Did you happen to review my previous email?


Please pick the number that describes your response:


1.   Interested to see number of counts and pricing details

2.   Leave out



Susan Jones


From: Susan Jones [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 28 February 2024 01:21 PM
To: '[email protected]'
Subject: Employee Health Care Conference New York 2024
Importance: High
Sensitivity: Personal


Dear Exhibitors,


This is regarding Employee Health Care Annual Conference New York 2024 – Attendees list is available now.


You can use this list for your booth invitation, pre-show marketing campaigns, appointment setting.


Just pick the number that describes best of your response.


1. Yes, Send counts & cost.

2. I'm not interested.


Please Advise



Susan Jones | Marketing Executive