Dean Foods Company

Consumers Help Curb Rising Food Prices; Novel Biosensor Tracks Meat's Freshness

FM TodayAncient Lessons for Farms in a Changing Climate
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FM Today
  February 26, 2024
Featured Story
Stuart Dryden reaches for an item at a grocery store, Feb. 21, 2024, Arlington, Va.
The trend has led large food companies to sharply slow their price increases.

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As global meat consumption rates increase, so does demand for effective quality and safety measures.
Atsinna Pueblo, El Morro National Monument, N.M.
New irrigation systems and alternative crops helped numerous societies survive drier climates.
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Learn how solutions like predictive analytics and real-time asset monitoring can help food manufacturers overcome asset downtime and thrive in 2024 and beyond.

Toc Inline Recovered

Up to 30% of your plant's total compressed air capacity is being lost to leaks right now. The air is cheap, but the power isn’t. Join us for a live podcast TOMORROW, February 27 at 11:00 AM EDT to learn how manufacturers are using acoustic cameras to catch these problems in real-time.


A farmer riding a tractor works in a field in West Flanders, Belgium, Feb. 21, 2024.
Scientific arguments are often no match for the rule of the street.
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Also on the podcast, John Deere's new autonomous sprayer looks like a military vehicle, workers get prison...
5 Mins With Food Template

Manufacturing plants face challenges, but IIoT, monitoring solutions, and real-time reports mitigate unexpected problems and staffing issues. In this edtion of 5 Minutes With Food, Cody P. Bann, SmartSights' Director of Engineering, shares his expertise.

Chair Gerry Lewis of the Yakama Nation, right, signs a document during a signing ceremony in Washington, Feb. 23, 2024.
The plan stopped short of calling for the removal of four controversial dams.
Goodway 2
Designed to deliver powerful cleaning performance in a small, lightweight package.
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Take a closer look at some solutions designed to combat aging infrastructure and control systems while meeting next-generation needs in cost reduction, systems management, and real-time data analytics.

Poland Prime Minister Donald Tusk, right, and Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at a press conference, Warsaw, Feb. 26, 2024.
Farmers in Poland and elsewhere say imports from Ukraine are undercutting their livelihoods.
A worker at Reata Engineering and Machine Works programs a Mazak Variaxis machine used to make semiconductor pieces, Feb. 15, 2024, Englewood, Colo.
What recession?
Toc Inline

Join Auvesy-MDT's Dave McGovern and Jim Engelhart, along with editorial director Jeff Reinke, as they unveil the secrets of data management for manufacturers. Learn effective OT data management control, cybersecurity, implementation short-cuts, and more.

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The companies are expected operate under a new parent company called TCF Holdings.
I Stock 527905022
Researchers discovered a key mechanism behind issues in cold-stored potatoes.
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