Financial Planning

Ameriprise’s ‘unprecedented’ recruiting suit

Ameriprise’s ‘unprecedented’ recruiting suit
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Financial Planning
Financial Planning
Wall Street Insider
August 19, 2024

Journalists covering this industry are used to seeing firms take each other to court over individual recruiting deals.

But it's exceedingly rare for one wealth manager to question a rival's recruiting practices in their entirety. That's what makes Ameriprise's recent lawsuit against LPL Financial so remarkable.

People who have been paying attention to this industry much longer than I have even reached for the word "unprecedented." But even if there has been a similar case since the broker protocol was started in 2004, the Ameriprise-LPL dispute is certainly unusual.

We'll keep watching for the latest developments.

Industry News
Ameriprise seeks preliminary injunction in 'unprecedented' LPL suit
Ameriprise LPL.png
Industry experts say they can't recall another time when an advisory firm has used a lawsuit for a wholesale indictment of a rival's recruiting practices.
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