36% of RIA leaders don't have a succession plan in place

36% of RIA leaders don't have a succession plan in place
Shifting your succession planning mindset

Your job is to prepare your clients for the future, right? But are you following your own advice? Or are you a part of this group...

36% of RIA leaders don't have a succession plan in place

Don’t be your own worst client. Create a succession plan today because fear of the unknown is no excuse to avoid it – all it takes is a change in perspective. Read the latest data in this INFOGRAPHIC and let Allworth Partners transform your succession planning concerns into exciting new possibilities.

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Or, explore their original full-length workbook series, “Overcoming Barriers to Partnership.” This five-volume set provides an in-depth roadmap for overcoming the most common emotional, behavioral, and logistical obstacles when partnering or selling your firm.

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¹ https://smartasset.com/data-studies/financial-advisor-succession-planning-2022

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