Try Freeze Dried

Will I see you there?

Will I see you there?

I'd love to see you in Austin, TX on Saturday, March 16th

Thrive Life is holding a Regional Event and you're invited!
I'll be there and I'm looking forward to meeting you!

 You'll get to meet and talk with Thrive Life executives, including President Eric Morgan

You will learn about the food, the company, and the people behind it


Event is 100% free and starts at 9am

Be sure to click the button to register and to see details on the location and schedule

. Text me at 207-762-7138 and let me know you'll be there!
Click Here for More Info
Meet and talk with Thrive Life President, Eric Morgan!

These events are packed full of information and they are so much fun! During the morning, you'll be learning everything there is to know about freeze dried food - how it's made, why it's important, how to use it, and how to store it. You'll get the chance to ask leaders in the company questions, and even sit down and have lunch with them, including the President of Thrive Life, Eric Morgan. Eric is an incredible man, one of the nicest guys you will ever meet!


I mentioned lunch - yes, lunch! Completely free! And Thrive is known to put on some impressive feasts, so you surely will not be disappointed! 


After lunch, Eric will give insight on what the company is doing to grow and he will reveal some exciting news for the future. Next, you will learn about how you can share this food with others using the opportunities Thrive Life has made possible. Several leaders will share their stories and give you ideas you may be able to use to help others enjoy this amazing food. The day will wrap up with plenty of time for asking questions, sharing thoughts, having fun, and spending time with like-minded folks. In fact, if you have any friends or family that you think might be interested, feel free to bring them along with you! The more the merrier! 


Oh, and I almost forgot … there will be all sorts of FREE PRIZES! Random drawings, trivia questions, contests … you may win something just by showing up! 


At the event in Jacksonville a couple weeks ago, somebody won a $100 cash just by coming out on top in a rock-paper-scissors game!

Would you like to share freeze dried food with others?

Text  EARN  to 207-762-7138 and I will send you the information!
Or click the button below to learn more.
You can also feel free to text with any questions you may have!
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Thrive Life Independent Consultant
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